
Raw Space Exhibitors

Deadline: 6 March 2018


Company/Organisation Name

Contact Person

Job Title

Booth No.






非大會總承建商聯絡資料Non Official Stand Contractor Information


Non Official Stand Contractor


Contact Person






  1. 參展商自行設計及承建展位,並須遵守參展商手冊規則以及主辦機構在展出前或舉行期間的其他規定。

The Exhibitors have to design and construct their own booths and adhere to the Rules & Regulations along with any other conditions, which the Organizer may specify before or during the exhibition.

  1. 特裝參展商倘需聘請非大會總承建商代為設計及搭建,請於201836前將展位設計圖則(一式三份)呈交至大會總承建商。圖則比例須不少於1:100,並須註明真實尺寸及附上平面佈置圖、展位正及側立面圖、應用之物料、顔色、電話(如需要申請)、電力裝置及視聽器材等資料。如對展位建築高度限制有任何疑問,請致電大會總承建商。大會有權拒絕設計圖則,或要求參展商作出修改。有關該展覽展位結構的安全(包括搭建、展期及拆卸期間)由參展商及其承建商完全負責。

If an exhibitor appoints their own contractor for any design and contracting work, the original plans and design proposals in triplicate must be submitted to the Official Stand Contractor for approval not later than 6 March 2018. Drawings submitted must be to a reasonable scale of not less than 1:100; in full dimensions and must contain information such as floor plan, booth's front and side elevations, booth elevation, telephone (upon request), electrical fitting, colors and materials to be used, any audio-visual equipment to be used etc. If there are any questions to the height limit of the booth, please contact the Official Stand Contractor. The Organiser reserves the right to withhold granting approval to the drawings or require amendments or variations of the proposals. The safety of the booth structure (including at the times of construction, exhibition and dismantling) shall be borne by exhibitors and their contractors.

  1. 所有用以蓋建或裝修的展位物料,必須具防火功能及符合澳門特區政府的消防安全條例。所有為特裝展位施工的承建商需在工作範圍附近當眼處放置一個有效的滅火筒。

All materials and fittings used or displayed in the booth must be fire-proof and be in accordance with all applicable fire prevention and building regulations of Macau SAR. Raw space contractors are required to prepare one functional fire extinguisher at a conspicuous spot within the assigned area during the construction period for safety reason.

  1. 所有電力裝置必須由合格電器技師安裝,電力裝置圖及圖則需於2018年3月6日前交至大會總承建商審批。安裝完畢後必須呈交完工紙,經測試合格,方可供電。

All the electricity installation should be completed by licensed electrician. The electrical installation drawing should be submitted to the Official Stand Contractor for approval on or before 6 March 2018. With the approval test from the Official Stand Contractor after installation, electricity will then be supplied.

  1. 參展商如欲搭建超過3.9米高的光地自建展位或雙層展覽展位,請預先以書面向大會總承建商申請,並必須獲得大會總承建商書面批准方可施工。有關該展覽展位結構的安全(包括搭建、展期及拆卸期間)由參展商及其承建商完全負責。同時上述展覽展位必須獲由本澳政府認可工程師簽發之安全證明書,並必須將有關證明書於2018年3月6日前交予大會總承建商存閱。倘若不遵守此規定,大會總承建商有權禁止所有人士進入該展位或終止該展位的供電。

Exhibitors must apply in writing for the construction of any booths that are of over 3.9m high or any two-storey structures from the Official Stand Contractor and obtain written approval from the Official Stand Contractor. The safety of the booth structure (including at the times of construction, exhibition and dismantling) shall be borne by exhibitors and their contractors. The above mentioned exhibition level must also carry a "Safety Certificate"issued by a qualified engineer/ surveyor in Macao. Exhibitors will have to submit this certificate to the Official stand contractor for approval on or before 6 March 2018. If this rule is not observed, the Official stand contractor reserves the right to prohibit access to the booth.

  1. 為確保所有光地自建展位的參展商及其承建商能按大會之規定,合法及安全地期搭建、拆卸光地展位、撤離廢棄物;以及加強工程進行時的管理及執行,參展商或其承建商必須向大會繳交「工程施工及清理廢物按金」。所有租用光地展位的參展商或其承建商,須繳交澳門幣200.00元 / 平方米(最低保證金為澳門幣5,000.00元)作為保證工程施工及清理廢物按金,以保證展覽會完畢後,所有大型展位設施及廢物清理妥當。光地參展商或其承建商必須在其攤位拆卸後,撤離展館前向大會總承建商索取《特裝攤位清潔情況表》,並按現場情況簽署相關文件,以完成整個撤展程序。倘有任何廢物棄置或任何物料黏附在場館內,當大會代為清理後將向有關參展商或其承建商徵收清理費或直接在所交付之工程施工及清理廢物按金中扣除。如有關參展商或其承建商於展覽會結束後把展位物料及廢物清理妥當及施工場地無任何損壞,按金則於45個工作天內發還。工程施工及清理廢物按金之支票抬頭祈付 "廣告天地有限公司"。

All Exhibitors or their contractors are required to lodge a "Site Work and Waste Disposal Deposit" of MOP$200.00/m2 (minimum levy of MOP$5,000.00) to ensure that their raw space booths will be constructed and dismantled in scheduled time and their sites will be clear of any bulky or large rubbish after the exhibition in legal and safe condition. Any remaining rubbish requiring clean ups by the organizer will be at the expense of the Exhibitor(s) and their contractors concerned or deducted directly from the deposit. The deposit will be refunded to the Exhibitors within 45 days, provided their exhibition sites are, in the Organiser's view, clear from damages to the exhibition hall and/or of any rubbish. The deposit is to be made payable to "Creation Advertising Co., Ltd.".

  1. 在未能遵從《工程施工及清理廢物按金扣款制》所指明的條文情況下,主辦機構及大會總承建商可扣除指明款額/百分率的工程施工及清理廢物按金。相關罰則條文請參考參展商手冊附件一《工程施工及清理廢物按金扣款制》表。

In circumstance that Contractors fail to comply with the conditions specified in the “Deduction of Site Work and Waste Disposal Deposit”, the Organiser and the Official Contractor may deduct the specified amount/percentage of the site work deposit as specified. Please refer to appendix 1 of the exhibitor manual for the full version of the conditions of the “Deduction of Site Work and Waste Disposal Deposit”.

  1. 參展商須提供、安裝及佈置其面向展位內、通道及毗鄰展位的圍板,而圍板四面的裝飾須達到可接受的標準。

Exhibitors should decorate their booth's partitions facing onto their own booth area, aisle and adjacent booths. All surfaces on booth's partition must be finished to an acceptable standard on all surfaces.

  1. 展場內嚴禁噴漆、燒焊及使用電鋸。

Paint spraying, welding and the use of electrical saw are strictly prohibited inside the exhibition hall.

  1. 參展商如須租用額外設施及服務(如電力裝置),請填寫額外租用申請表格四、七及八並傳真至: +853-2897 6197 或電郵至:sales@creation.com.mo

Any exhibitor requiring additional facilities and services (such as electrical fitting) should complete the additional order form 4, 7, 8 and return by fax to:+853-2897 6197 or by Email to:sales@creation.com.mo



Please contact Official Stand Contractor for enquiries:


Creation Advertising Co., Ltd.

地址:澳門士多紐拜斯大馬路63B - 65 A地下

Address: Av. Sidónio Pais No.63B-65A R/C, Macau

電話Tel: (853)2897 6198 / (853)2897 6199

傳真Fax: (853)2897 6197

電郵Email: sales@creation.com.mo