光地承建商資料申報表 Contractor Declaration Form (For Raw Space Booth Use Only)
Exhibitors 參展商資料
Company Name 公司名稱:
Contact Person 聯絡人:
Job Title 職位:
Booth No. 展位編號:
Mobile 手提電話:
E-mail Address 電郵地址:
Area of Booth (㎡) 展位面積: <平方米>
Size 呎吋: M 米 × M 米
Note: To ensure all Exhibitors and contractors of raw space can finish construction, demolition of booth space, removal of waste within the time assigned by the Organiser; and to strengthen management and implementation during the construction, Exhibitors or their contractors of raw space are required to pay "Site Work and Waste Disposal Deposit" to the Organiser. For details, please refer to point "5.2e Refundable Site Work and Waste Disposal Deposit”. 請注意: 為加強展覽場地的管理,以及確保所有光地參展商及其承建商能按大會規定時間如期搭建、拆卸光地展位、撤離展位物料及廢物,大會將向所有光地參展商或其承建商徵收「工程施工及清理廢物按金」,詳情可參閱手冊《第5.2e工程施工及清理廢物按金》。
Contractor 承建商
Tel 電話:
Fax 傳真:
E-mail 電郵:
On-site Supervision Contact Person 會場監督聯絡人:
On-site Contact Person Mobile 會場聯絡人手提電話:
Our company hereby authorize the above contractor to contact Organiser directly for booth construction issues and comply with rules set by the Organiser. 本公司特此授權上述承建商直接聯絡大會商議有關展位搭建事宜及遵守大會所訂定的規則。
Please contact Official Stand Contractor for enquiries:
Creation Advertising Co., Ltd.
地址:澳門士多紐拜斯大馬路63B - 65 A地下
Address: Av. Sidónio Pais No.63B-65A R/C, Macau
電話Tel: (853)2897 6198 / (853)2897 6199
傳真Fax: (853)2897 6197
電郵Email: sales@creation.com.mo