展位工作人員 Booth Hostess
所有在展會期間如需提供臨時接待員, 請填妥以下表格並回傳至服務提供者。
This form should be completed and returned for all exhibitors who require temporary hostess during the exhibition period.
Company/ Organisation Name 公司/機構名稱:
Contact Person 聯絡人:
Job Title 職位:
Booth No. 展位號碼:
Tel 電話:
Email 電郵:
展位接待員 Booth Hostess (澳門幣MOP120 /小時hour, 每天至少工作6小時 Minimum 6 hours for each Booth Hostess)
語言 Language
人數 No of persons
服務時間 Service Hours
金額 Amount
英語 English
Payment method 付款方法 只限澳門幣MOP only 支票付款 ( 祈付 : 微中市場發展顧問有限公司) By Cheque ( Payable to “CIA. ESTUDOS PROJECTOS MICROCHINA LDA.”) Please indicate the show name, company name and your booth no. on the back of the cheque and return to contractor by deadline. 請在支票背面寫上展覽名稱、公司名稱及展位號碼,並於截止日期內交給或寄回承辦商。 支票號碼 Cheque No.: 銀行名稱 Bank: 金額 Amount: 直接存款或電匯至以下戶口 Remittance or T/T Payment directly to the following account 戶名:微中市場發展顧問有限公司 CIA. ESTUDOS PROJECTOS MICROCHINA LDA. 銀行名稱:中國銀行Bank of China 帳號A/C No.:01-012-078706-1 Swift Code: BKCHMOMX 銀行地址:澳門蘇亞利斯博士大馬路中銀大廈 Avenida Doutor Mário Soares
Remarks : Applicable to Remit or T/T payment All banking charges, if any, are to be paid by the applicant. Please fax pay-in slip or remittance copy to us via fax no. (853-28751305) 備注 : 適用於直接存款或電匯 銀行匯款手續費及聯繫行費用由客戶支付。 匯款後請將匯款單傳真至微中市場發展顧問有限公司會計部(傳真: 853-28751305)。
Please contact below service provider for enquiries:
MicroChina Marketing & Consultant Company Ltd
聯絡人Contact: Vanessa Cheang
電話Tel: +853-2875 0923
傳真Fax: +853-2875 1305
電郵Email: mice@microchina.com