Zhuhai Xinhuan Environment Co., Ltd
公司網站 Website |
zhxhhb@shjec.cn | |
展位號 Booth Number |
A43 | |
電話號碼 Contact Number |
(86) 0756-6998-570 | |
電郵 |
liuy@shjec.cn | |
英文公司簡介 English Company Profile |
SUS Environment is the superior company of Zhuhai Xinhuan Environment Co., Ltd. Founded in 2008, SUS Environment is a leading player in China\'s environmental protection industry and provides one-stop integrated environmental solution. Leveraging advanced technologies and talent, the Company has focused on and accumulated track records in investing, constructing and operating sanitation & waste-to-energy facilities; and on providing integrated solutions to ecological remediation of contaminated site. Central to the SUS Environment Solution is its patented, proven and award-winning resource recovery technologies. Our projects are designed to meet the rigorous goals established by Chinese and European regulators for greenhouse gas reduction, increased recycling, and landfill minimization. Our extensive operating experience demonstrates our ability to meet these goals while improving the environment in the communities we serve. We have been recognized by our clients as a leader in improving operating performance and plant efficiencies while protecting the environment. | |
中文公司簡介 Chinese Company Profile |
公司主營業務涵蓋: 1. 以垃圾焚燒發電廠為核心的靜脈產業園區的投資、建設、運營; 2. 瑞士VonRoll- 日立造船機械爐排垃圾焚燒技術、設備及EPC; 3. 污染場地環境修復及再開發; 4. 農林廢棄物能源化利用解決方案。康恆環境是上海市高新技術企業,已獲授權50餘項國家專利,垃圾焚燒技術被評為國家科技進步二等獎、教育部科技進步一等獎等多項獎;擁有電力行業(新能源發電專業)乙級、環境工程設計專項(污染修復工程)乙級、環保工程專業承包二級工程資質,已通過ISO9001、ISO14001和OHSAS18001體系認證;榮獲國家工商總局守合同重信用企業、上海市專利試點企業、上海市優秀高新技術企業、創新型企業等榮譽稱號。珠海和寧波項目還分別被評為“AAA級垃圾焚燒發電廠”和“魯班獎”。康恆環境踐行“創造更潔淨更友好的生活環境”的企業使命,為“綠水青山就是金山銀山”而努力。 | |