Home > Main Activities > Technical Visit – Local Residents Only
2016MIECF Technical Visit – Local Residents Only 2016MIECF 技術參觀- 市民專場
Remarks: Free shuttles are provided for all participants of 2016MIECF, please refer to the website for more details. 註:可透過大會穿梭巴士到達會場,詳情請留意大會網站相關安排。
Title 稱呼:
Mr. 先生 Miss 小姐 Mrs. 女士
Mobile 澳門流動電話:
E-mail Address 電子郵箱:
No. of Visitor 參加人數:
Please select No. of visitor 請選擇參加人數 1 2 3 [Capacity餘額:40]
Remarks: The Email address is not compulsory, please ignore this if you do not want to receive any comfirmation Email 注:提供郵箱資料僅作為發送報名回執之用,可選擇不填
(Please print the receipt manually if the normal printing function does not work: Find PRINT at tool bar of browser and click PRINT after review)(倘無法正常列印,可採取手動方式進行列印:於瀏覽器的工具列裡找出列印功能,預覽及確認列印版面無誤後,再進行列印)