Victor Li
Mr. Victor C. Li, Vice President of Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association, Business Development Director of Dunwell Enviro-Tech (Holdings) Ltd. (Hong Kong)
Victor C. Li is currently the Business Development Director of Dunwell Enviro-Tech (Holdings) Ltd, one of the pioneering environmental management and technology providers in Hong Kong.
Mr Li has over 20 years’ experience in environmental & waste management fields and substantial experience in introducing and lining up overseas environmental technologies for Hong Kong and People’s Republic of China. He oversees the Hong Kong operation of various chemical waste management programs, remediation and clean-up, one stop recycling services and energy saving for clients including HKSAR government, major utility companies, property management sectors, transportation companies, etc. Mr Li has been actively advising various environmental companies from Europe, North America, Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific on the latest technological development and market dynamics and presenting in many overseas conferences and occasions.
Graduated with Bachelor of Engineering at Dalhousie University, Canada, Mr Li also holds a Master of Philosophy degree of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management from HKUST.
Mr. Li is serving in the following organizations/associations as:
Immediate Past Hong Kong Waste Management Association Chairman
Vice President Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association.
Fellow member Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance
Member HKSAR’s Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) Research Projects Vetting Subcommittee (RPVS)
Member Advisory Group of Climate Change Business Forum Business Environment Council