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Stefan M. Buettner

Mr. Buettner has recently joined IPEEC, the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation that has been tasked by the G20 summit in Brisbane/Australia late 2014 to coordinate the implementation of its Energy Efficiency Action Plan. Mr. Buettner has a focus on the G20 and IPEEC activities related to Industry and Financial Flows for Energy Efficiency.


Previously, Mr. Buettner was Head of International Affairs and Strategy at the Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production (Stuttgart/Germany). He is member of the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group of EU Commission & UNEP FI. He also works on a global policy & industry benchmark, called ‘The Energy Efficiency Index of the Industry’. Mr. Buettner has expertise in low carbon innovation, smart cities, islands and mobility, an energy productivity strategy, as Associate of the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI) & Scottish Sustainable Energy for All Platform.


Over the period of seven years, he worked as senior advisor and office manager for various members of the Scottish Parliament for energy efficiency, renewable energy, industry- and economic policy, infrastructure. He is member of the International Steering Committee of the Energy Efficiency Global Forum and was International Advisor and Co-Author of the US Energy Strategy “Energy 2030” notably in the areas “Systems Integration”, “Transport, Land Use & Accessibility” and “Residential & Commercial Buildings”. As an international low carbon expert, he is involved in many further international high-level initiatives, working groups and workshops.


He studied International Economics in Tübingen/Germany and Boston/USA and held various positions optimizing processes and programmes in the academic environment