Lin Wen
Ms. Lin Wen, Director – Division of Environmental Monitoring and Technological Standard, Guangdong Environmental Protection Department (Mainland China)
Ms. Lin Wen, as Director of the Division of Environmental Monitoring and Technological Standards, Guangdong Environmental Protection Department, Ms. Lin Wen assumes two major responsibilities:
In monitoring, drafting of plans, quality management principles, and technical specifications concerning environmental monitoring; the compilation of Environmental Quality Reports and Reports on the State of Guangdong Provincial Environmental Quality; the management of environmental monitoring and the release of information about environmental quality; and organizing, constructing, and managing for the works of environmental monitoring networks.
In Technology and Standards, organizing and coordinating as well as introducing technologies and research environmental protection; organizing projects to promote breakthroughs in key technologies and technological demonstrations; carrying out research into major issues and risk assessment of new types of environmental issues; managing scientific and technological achievements made in environmental protection; and drafting local environmental standards and technical specifications.