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Elliot Treharne

4 Elliot TreharneElliot Treharne is a specialist in urban and environmental policy and is currently the Air Quality Manager at the Mayor of London’s Office with responsibility for all of London’s air quality and green transport projects and programmes. Elliot’s career started with the United Nations, with placements in New York and Tanzania. Following these Elliot joined Transport for London developing London’s congestion charging scheme. He co-wrote the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy in 2009 and 2010, developing the local measures concept to reduce poor air quality at the worst hotspots in London and played a pivotal role in developing proposals for London’s new Ultra Low Emission Zone. Elliot chairs both the EUROCITIES Air Quality Working Group and the experts group of the Air Quality Initiative of the Regions, representing the major European industrial and urban regions in discussions with the European Union.


Speaker Abstract

London’s air pollution journey: from pea-soupersmogs to an ultra low emission city

Sixty years ago London was infamous for its ‘pea souper’ smogs and was nicknamed the ‘Big Smoke’; today it is one of the leading world cities in tackling air pollution with both Congestion Charging and a Low Emission Zone. In this presentation Elliot Treharne will chart London’s air pollution journey from the very first regulations in the 13th century, through the measures adopted in the 1956 Clean Air Act, to the bold and innovative measures being delivered by the current Mayor. Elliot will also describe new plans to create the world’s first Ultra Low Emission Zone and explain how London has worked with manufacturers and other partners to introduce new rules requiring the use of zero emission capable buses, taxis and cars. Together these measures will help London achieve the best air quality of any world city by 2020 and ensure London seizes the economic benefits of being an ultra low emission city.