Prof. Jacky Yuk Chow SO, BNU Chair Professor in Finance, Director of Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management Prof. Jacky Yuk-Chow So obtained his Master of Finance from the Western Illinois University in the United States and his Doctor of Philosophy of International Finance and International Business from the Ohio State University in the United States. Prof. So is a distinguished financial expert with great experience in University management. He attained tenured status as an associate professor of Finance at the Economics and Finance Department at the Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and later promoted to professor of Finance and head of Finance Department. In 2004, he became the dean and a Distinguished Professor in Finance of the A.R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business at the Texas A&M International University. Prof. So was a consultant for many corporations and law firms. He was a visiting scholar or consultant of many organizations, including the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis and Office of the Small Business Administration, Washington D.C. In 2016, Prof. So was invited to be Research Fellow at Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research. He is recently selected as a Distinguished Fellow of the International Engineering & Technology Institute and Co-Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Affinity Group (APAG) of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Prof. So is the co-editor of the Special Issue “Risk and Financial Instability” in the “Journal of Risk and Financial Management”, and is also an editorial board member of the “International Trade Journal”. |