Mr. Rui Jorge Silva Cernadas, Managing Director of Ecoserviços Gestão de Sistemas Ecológicos, Lda. (Macau) Topic: Wastewater Reclamation as a New Source of Water Speaker Bio: Mr. Rui Jorge Silva Cernadas has a Degree in Civil Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal. He has been working in Macao since 1991; started as a Project Manager in Profabril Asiaconsult, Ltd., and became the Managing Director in 1993. Since then, he has been coordinating and supervising all specialty projects of the company. In 2002, Mr. Cernadas was appointed as Macau representative of Ecoserviços Gestão de Sistemas Ecológicos, Lda. Both companies have been responsible for the elaboration of projects, supervision and management of the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Coloane and also the conception of the treatment of effluents, preliminary design, landscape and environmental integration of the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Macao, among many other projects. |